
The suspension of employees due to insolvency, plant closure, site closure or relocation and personnel reductions are usually not part of the routine personnel work. To perform this difficult but indispensable step in an agreeable way, the approach of Glossa Integration Services supports a fair outplacement. Our concept comprises phases that ensure high efficiency and quality. The essential phase is a support period of three to six months (rescue company) with the aim of a new employment.

Advantages are:

  • Economy of high compensations
  • Avoiding complaints in the labour court
  • Avoiding image loss within or outside the company due to rude dismissals
  • Simplified correction of misallocations
  • Termination of employment contracts - mutually and easy
  • Reducing the internal conflicts and unnecessary emotional burdens for everyone involved - motivation and work climate stay sound, even through the separation phase
  • Positive example of "social competence" for remaining employees
  • Signals that the management staff takes the concerned persons' needs seriously and that the company's human resources are of high value.

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